

2016-8-12   小编:zmz

  2017 Asia VR&AR Fair & Summit(VR&AR Fair 2017)



  Concurrent event: 2017 Asia Amusement & Attractions Expo (AAA 2017)

  时间:2017年3月8-11日 地点:中国.广州琶洲广交会展览馆(A区)

  Date: Mar8-11, 2017 Venue: China Import and Export Complex(Area A)


  Organized by:

  GD-HK Economic & Information Exchange Association

  Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation

  Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group


  京东、Microsoft微软(中国)有限公司、Google、华为、三星、HTC、索尼、亚马逊、OCULUS、大朋VR(乐相科技)、Oculus Rift、HTC Vive、HoloLens、Morpheus、深圳 3Glasses、乐相、蚁视、微鲸、支付宝钱包、微信、睿悦信息Nibiru、暴风魔镜、魅族、LG、黑盾、打扮家、玖的数码、卓远科技、乐客、PICO、kat、上海酷睿、穆特科技、深圳游视、青橙视界、UCVR...

  Cooperative Units:JD.com, Microsoft, Google, HUAWEI, Samsung, HTC, Sony, Amazon, OCULUS, Deepoon,Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, HoloLens, Morpheus、Shenzhen 3Glasses, ANTVR, WHALEY, Alipay, WeChat, Nibiru, Mojing.cn, MEIZU, LG, Black Shield, Super Technology, PICO, Kat, COOEE TECHNOLOGY, MOTUS, Shenzhen Useus, Kingsee, UCVR, etc.


  腾讯、搜狐、网易、央视、东方卫视、广东卫视、南方都视、上海广播电视台、湖南广播电视台、新华网、微豆网、麦逗VR、多曼VR、艾瑞网、移动新媒体、上方网、钉科技、VR界、VR加盟网、VR大视界、VR2048、魔多VR、黑匣VR、87870.com、妖界VR、VR产业人、VR头条、VR168、极VR、AR酱、SNAIL SHELL、913VR、VR乐趣网、72变、VR观察、VR日报、VR技术、VR村、VR玩家、VR信息资讯网、淘VR、VR泡泡网、 AR in China、玩具谷、数字展示在线、OFweek可穿戴设备网、智+空间、好机器人网、蜂迷世界、科技报、娱乐报、投哪儿网络、物联网智库、极智网、萌客、镁客网、明日世界、物联中国、游戏蛮牛、青亭网、泡泡网、数字展示在线、赛隆网、爱玩网、YIVIAN、花火、游物语、游戏狗、活动行、增强现实中国、智嗨、智东西、明日世界等、斗鱼、500+以上媒体...

  Partner Media:Tencent, Sohu, NetEase, CCTV, Dragon TV, Guangdong TV, South TV, Radio and Television Shanghai, Hunan TV, Xinhua Net, VRjie,VR2048, Moduo VR,Heihe VR, 87870.com, Yaojie VR, VRchanyeren,VRtoutiao,VR168, Ji VR, AR Jiang, SNAIL SHELL, 913VR, VR Lequ, 72Byte,VR Guancha, VRRB, VRCUN, TAOVR, VR Popo, AR in China, Toys Gu, etc.



  Cooperative universities and associations:Peking University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University, the Committee of China Society of Image and Graphics, (Shenzhen) 3D Film and TV Association, China Virtual Reality Industry Association, etc;


  Note: The above list is in no particular order


  Sponsored by: Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

  VR/AR Fair2017云集世界品牌,构筑品质盛会

  VR/AR Fair2017, Gathering International Brands &Holding an Excellent Fair

  x花20亿美元收购业界领头羊Oculus VR,被业界视作引爆VR热潮的开端。2016年虚拟现实走进高考被视为中国虚拟现实产业发展史“里程碑”,虚拟现实是继智能手机之后的革命性产品,VR与AR应用已影响旅游、购物、医疗、教育、娱乐、设计、地产、工业、军工、国防等领域,且应用市场还在不断快速的深入扩张。

  x spending $2 billion purchasing industrial leader Oculus VRis deemed to be the beginning of VR boom. In 2016 VR was involved in China’sCollege Entrance Examination, which is regarded as the "milestone" of China’sVR development history.VR is a revolutionary product after smartphone. VR and AR applications have influenced tourism, shopping, medical care, education, entertainment, design, real estate, industrial, military, national defense, etc, with rapidly increasing market expansion.


  In the next 5 to 10 years, VR and AR technology will usher in a booming period.Powerful technologies and applications will have a huge market share. In 2017 global giants will continue to invest and merge in VR. Intel, x, Google, Huawei, Microsoft, Apple, Tencent, Millet, Storm Technology, Alibaba, Jingdong will take VR as a key investment project.Technology applications will be further expanded.It is expected that in 2020 the output value of VR and AR industry will reach $120 billion.


  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology points out that VR will usher in a rapid development period. In the future, the layout should be planned in advance to do the top-level design. We should achieve the core technology breakthroughs and strengthen cultural and brand building through the financial special support for virtual reality technology industrialization.


  According to statistics,it’s expected that in 2106 global VR device shipments will reach 630, among which 40% of the demand is from china. Guangzhou is the forefront city of China's reform and opening up, with science and technology innovation and application in a leading position. Asia VR&AR Fair& Summit can provide an important economic and technological cooperation and exchange of product platform, promoting the close integration of VR and AR technology and modern life.Moreover, it provides a broad platform for the promotion and professional services for VR and AR industries and enterprises, bringing a revolutionary innovation and integration for industry development.

  【VR/AR Fair2017同期活动】(拟)






  VR/AR Fair2017 Concurrent events

  1. VR/AR Summit Forum

  2. VR/AR High-end Technology and Products Press Conference

  3. VR+ Two-Dimensional Show

  4. Investment Project Show & VR/AR Matchmaking Meeting

  5. Industry's Most Authoritative Awards Ceremony &High-end Dinner



  Target Guest: Samsung, Intel、x, Google, HUAWEI, Microsoft, Apple, Tencent, MI, Stormer Player, Alibaba, JD.com, etc.

  【VR/AR Fair2017 目标观众】




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